Who are the 18 people Carol killed?

by Sally

Sleepless that night, Carol opens a diary which seems to be a list of the people she has killed: Ryan Samuels; Karen; David; Lizzie Samuels; approximately seven at Terminus; and seven Wolves. She totals it to 18 lives taken, circling the number as it weighs on her conscience.

Why was Carol banished Walking Dead? The episode is seen as a transitional stage for the development of Carol, having become cold and making difficult decisions to survive, ultimately causing Rick to feel unsafe and thus, he exiles her.

mais encore, What infected the walking dead? When informed by Rick of the death of Violet the pig and a sick boar discovered in the woods, Hershel (Scott Wilson) notes that, pre-apocalypse, some diseases were spread by pigs and birds. They conclude that everyone in the cell block could be infected by an aggressive strain of the flu.

How many humans has Carol killed?

Carol Pelletier (Melissa McBride) – 47

This said, killing so many people has indeed taken its toll on her mentally, especially in the last few seasons, where the impact of having to kill others appears to have held an increasingly heavy weight for her.

Does Carol come back walking dead?

As of the end of episode 4 of The Walking Dead Season 11, Carol is still alive. Carol is the series’ biggest wildcard. Her comic counterpart didn’t even make it a quarter of the way through the story, but TV show Carol has survived longer than anyone except for Daryl (who was introduced in the same episode she was).

What infected The Walking Dead? When informed by Rick of the death of Violet the pig and a sick boar discovered in the woods, Hershel (Scott Wilson) notes that, pre-apocalypse, some diseases were spread by pigs and birds. They conclude that everyone in the cell block could be infected by an aggressive strain of the flu.

Does Rick forgive Carol? Carol is willing to do what she must. You think Rick could have killed her, even after Liz killed her sister? He’s already proved he won’t take care of threats. Yes, Rick forgive Carol.

Why didn’t Carol want Lizzy to call her mom? Carol got frustrated with Lizzie when she called her mom instead of ma’am. Most women would be touched to have someone want to call them mom. Carol pushed away any thoughts of being a mom or remembering being a mom.

Who is feeding rats to the Walkers?

During Sunday’s episode, Lizzie (Brighton Sharbino) turned out to be a bigger threat than anyone realized and was revealed to have been the one feeding mice to the walkers at the prison.

Do walkers poop? Thus, even with a sick brain the zombies would most likely have normal excretory habits, albeit without the conscious sphincter control (CNS) exhibited by most of us living folk. Your answer, then, is yes. Zombies poop. The probably also pee.

How did virus start in Walking Dead?

According to the smoking man, the facility housed numerous teams (he mentions Violet team and Primrose team) that worked on a project that ultimately became The Walking Dead’s infamous virus.

Who killed the most people? The most prolific modern serial killer is arguably Dr. Harold Shipman, with 218 probable murders and possibly as many as 250 (see « Medical professionals », below).

Why does Rick ask how many walkers have you killed?

This question is trying to determine if the newcomer has what it takes to survive. Killing walkers is something that needs to be done in this world, so if the answer is « zero » (or particularly low) that might indicate an unwillingness to act, to stop walkers, which could put others in the group at risk.

How much of the population died in The Walking Dead?

Since the show began, we have either seen or heard about 347 human characters on the show, and have seen 252 deaths, which means 72.6% of the show’s characters have died.

Do Carol and Ezekiel get back together? In the months since Henry’s death, Ezekiel and Carol’s marriage has fallen apart. After reaching the Hilltop, Carol decides to end their marriage and return to Alexandria, though Ezekiel has her keep the ring he gave Carol.

What episode is inmates in The Walking Dead? « Inmates » is the tenth episode of the fourth season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series The Walking Dead, which aired on AMC on February 16, 2014. The episode was written by Matthew Negrete and Channing Powell, and directed by Tricia Brock.

Who dies Season 3 Walking Dead?

Who died in The Walking Dead season 3?

  • T-Dog (killed by walkers)
  • Lori (killed by Carl after childbirth blood loss)
  • Merle (killed by walkers)
  • Andrea (killed by Milton, The Governor’s right-hand man)

Does Rick kick Carol out? It is because Carol kept everything a secret, and proceeded to continue keep everything hidden, that Rick kicked her out. She was untrustworthy, not only because she murdered people, but primarily because she hid the truth away from Rick and the council.

Why does Tyreese forgive Carol?

She tells Tyreese to do whatever he feels he needs to do. Seeing that the taking of another life affects Carol deeply, he says he won’t forget but he forgives her because it is not a decision she makes lightly.

Why did Lizzie suffocate Judith? That’s why she almost smothered Judith — by silencing Judith, she was trying to prevent the walkers from approaching and getting killed by her sister. At the same time, she believed that Judith wouldn’t really die from being smothered — she’d return as a walker (which is just as good as a human).

Is Lizzie Samuels a psychopath?

During the episode, Lizzie displays some psychopathic behavior as shown when she mutilates a group of rabbits. When Tyreese leaves Mika, Lizzie, and Judith alone, Lizzie covers Judith’s mouth to stop her crying and appears to be trying to smother her to death.

Why does michonne cry holding Judith? Michonne appeared to have an aversion to babies, as she vehemently refused to hold Rick’s daughter Judith until Beth Greene forced her to, and, while looking at Judith, shed tears, before hugging Judith close. Michonne later establishes that this is a manifestation of the guilt she feels for losing her own son, Andre.

When was Bob bitten?

Bob Stookey – The former Army medic, played by Lawrence Gilliard Jr., was accosted by walkers while on a supply run at the flooded food bank in season five. The walker dragged him underwater and bit him.

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