Does Tryndamere counter Mordekaiser?

by Zoé Labbe
Does Tryndamere counter Mordekaiser?

Does Tryndamere counter Mordekaiser?

  1. Tryndamere wins against Mordekaiser 51.36% of the time which is 3.57% higher against Mordekaiser than the average opponent.
  2. After normalising both champions win rates Tryndamere wins against Mordekaiser 2.19% more often than would be expected.

Par ailleurs, Does Mordekaiser counter teemo? Teemo wins against Mordekaiser 50.46% of the time which is 3.09% higher against Mordekaiser than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Teemo wins against Mordekaiser 2.16% more often than would be expected.

Does Jax counter Mordekaiser?

Jax wins against Mordekaiser 50.24% of the time which is 2.53% higher against Mordekaiser than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Jax wins against Mordekaiser 2.41% more often than would be expected.

Puis Does Darius counter Mordekaiser? Darius wins against Mordekaiser 51.01% of the time which is 3.44% higher against Mordekaiser than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Darius wins against Mordekaiser 1.11% more often than would be expected.

Does Garen counter Tryndamere? Garen wins against Tryndamere 48.31% of the time which is 0.24% lower against Tryndamere than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Garen wins against Tryndamere 2.19% less often than would be expected.

Does Mordekaiser counter Aatrox?

Mordekaiser wins against Aatrox 49.58% of the time which is 2.15% higher against Aatrox than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Mordekaiser wins against Aatrox 0.4% less often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Mordekaiser build & runes against Aatrox.

Does Mundo counter Mordekaiser?

Mundo wins against Mordekaiser 51.01% of the time which is 2.99% higher against Mordekaiser than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Dr. Mundo wins against Mordekaiser 1.1% more often than would be expected.

How do I stop Nasus?

If he farms in lane, Nasus has to stack in a cloud of poison, forcing him to back off, losing stacks. Akali, Pantheon and Kled offer different approaches. Burst him down when he is weak and get enough gold that you can keep doing it after he has some defensive items.

Is Nasus AP or AD?

Nasus is an AD champion that mainly deals physical damage. His primary source of damage is his Q – Siphoning Strike, which gains permanent stacks of AD each time Nasus slays a minion. However, Nasus’ E – Spirit Fire deals magic damage and scales with AP, so you can also play Nasus full AP.

Is Nasus weak early?

He can be incredibly hard to stop if he is ahead. While he is drawing pressure, his team can siege or fight elsewhere. Incredibly weak early game. This means he needs to play safe and avoid trading until he’s got quite a few levels under his belt.

Is Nasus the strongest champion?

ultimate, Nasus is stronger than most champions in the League. Engage him only if you have a clear advantage. Wither is a very effective counter to attack damage champions, so try to avoid getting caught alone by it.

Why is Nasus so good?

Nasus is a late bloomer in League of Legends. The champion can be one of the most powerful tanks in the game if players use him correctly. Gamers need to take a conservative approach in the first five to ten minutes of every match. Once Nasus has a few stacks and gets powered up, he is an unstoppable force.

How old is Nasus?

Nasus is over 3796 years old and less than 3900 years old. He fought alongside Setaka for 3 centuries before she died in the battle of Icathia, which happened around 2500 BN or 3500 years ago. Renekton’s older brother and both became Ascended at the same time.

What animal is Nasus?

Nasus is an imposing, jackal-headed Ascended being from ancient Shurima, a heroic figure regarded as a demigod by the people of the desert.

How long is Nasus slow?

Nasus ages a champion, slowing them by 35%, increasing to 47 / 59 / 71 / 83 / 95% over 5 seconds. Their attack speed is also reduced by 50% of the slow.

Is morde early or late game?

He is pretty decent during late-game fights, as his AoE abilities will hurt a lot. His survivability is quite appreciable as well. His tankiness will be massive during this phase of the game. He should be focused on absorbing a lot of damage for the enemy team while simultaneously picking off enemies when possible.

What is Mordekaiser good for?

What role is Mordekaiser in LoL? Mordekaiser is a flexible champion, but is most commonly seen as a top laner. Through patch 11.10, Mordekaiser was primarily seen as a top laner and jungler at Platinum ranks and higher. With only 10,000 games in the jungle, this secondary role remains niche for Mordekaiser.

Is Mordekaiser s tier?

Mordekaiser Build 12.10 ranks as an C-Tier pick for the Top Lane role in Season 12. This champion currently has a Win Rate of (Bad), Pick Rate of (High), and a Ban Rate of (Low).

Is Mordekaiser strong early?

His early is a little stronger than you but you hard outscale him. Try to play passive till lv6 and with blasting wand you can definitely do huge damage to him in the shadow realm.

Is Mordekaiser viable in high ELO?

Morde is good in all elos. Especially in solo que. Maybe not as good in tournaments, but he’s even viable there.

Who is the most broken champion in LoL?

1. Yone. Yone can be highly annoying because he is said broken and very powerful.

Who is the best bot lane champion?

1. Sivir. Sivir is the strongest bot laner in the current meta, there is no denying this.

Can gangplank escape Mordekaiser ULT?

As the title says GP can easily get out of mordekaisers ult with W just as with nocturnes ult.

Is morde AP or AD?

And even though he was rereleased in 2019, many players are still wondering: Is Mordekaiser AP or AD? Mordekaiser is an AP champion in League of Legends. He does magic damage with his passive, his Q, and his E ability. Morde’s W and R are utility spells and don’t deal any damage.

What is Mordekaiser good at?

Even though Mordekaiser is rarely seen in professional play, he is still a popular pick to dominate the solo queue ladder. At even the highest ranks, Mordekaiser is fielding solid win rates and allowing players to play a real juggernaut style in both the top lane and jungle.

Can Fiora block morde ULT?

Fiora counters anyone who builds HP and has telegraphed CC. Imagine if Renekton W was telegraphed or you couldn’t end Jax E early. No, it isn’t.

What Lane is Mordekaiser?

What Lane Is Mordekaiser? The best lane success this pick has is within the Top Lane position. This pick has yet to see any meaningful play in other lanes.

Does Mordekaiser slow?

slow, thus not being able to resist the Realm of Death with its crowd control immunity.

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