Is Aiden a volatile?

by Zoé Labbe
Is Aiden a volatile?

Is Aiden a volatile?

  1. During the early hours of Dying Light 2, Aiden gets bitten by a roaming volatile, joining the large number of Villedor citizens that live with the virus.
  2. However, it quickly becomes clear that something about Aiden’s reaction to the infection is far from normal.

Par ailleurs, Is Kyle Crane a volatile? When Crane stands at the Mother’s side, she reveals herself to be a sentient Volatile, tranquil in daytime and feral at night.

Is Waltz Aiden’s father?

She is Waltz’s daughter, but Aiden isn’t related to them. The promise Aiden had made when he was younger was actually to Waltz in hopes that they could cure Mia. Determined to save his daughter, Waltz wants to run new tests in X13.

Puis How did Kyle Crane get infected? After doing some errands for the survivors there and helping out Dr. Camden, Crane finds Jade kidnapped and on the verge of turning with only a vial of antizin and himself also close to turning. Despite his pleas, Jade gives him the vial, resulting in her turning into an infected.

Did Harran get nuked? The End of Harran Harran is thus spared immediate destruction but its fate remains unclear. In the other ending, Kyle Crane successfully triggers a nuclear detonation, which was supposed to destroy the surrounding countryside and all of Harran.

Is Aiden related to Crane?

I wish Crane could’ve seen this. » Aiden asks who that is, confirming that he’s not Crane’s secret brother or BFF.

What is the hardest mission in Dying Light 2?

Dying Light 2: True Friends – The Fate of the Dog and What to Do With Dominik, Scott, and Moe. This is “just” a sidequest, but it certainly offers one of the toughest choices in Dying Light 2. This mission involves a boy named Dominik who has befriended a stray dog named Buddy.

Is the night Hunter in Dying Light 2?

Is Kyle the night hunter?

Some players believe the Night Hunter to be Kyle Crane, mainly because of the Take the Vials ending on The Following, as Kyle Crane transforms into a being with the same traits as the Night Hunter.

Where did Spike go Dying Light?

Following Kyle’s departure from the Slums in The Saviors, Spike eventually follows him and seeks refuge with the survivors residing within Harran University. After reaching Old Town if you fast travel back to the tower you can find Spike also there as a quartermaster, he is located near the workshop in first floor.

Is the night Hunter Kyle Crane?

Crane becomes the apex predator, sentient during the day and a monster at night, not a sentient volatile. he’s not a volatile though. he mutated into the Night Hunter which is a unique mutation exclusive to only Kyle Crane. He gets his own exclusive mutation, he’s just that badass.

Should I trust Matt or Juan?

You can give the resources to a different faction at the end of the quest, but you won’t be able to change your mind and ally yourself with Matt. If you plan on siding with Matt you must point-blank refuse Juan’s offer at this point.

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