Was Darth Revan canon?

by Sally

After the refences to the Jedi Crusaders, Disney next brought the name of Revan into modern canon. … These are numerically identified, but also given the name of an ancient Sith Lord.” The book mentions legions named after Revan, Andeddu, Tanis, Tenebrous, Phobos and Desolous.

ainsi Is revan a Skywalker? Revan Skywalker was a Jedi Knight and twin brother of Cade Skywalker. His father was Kol Skywalker and his mother was Morrigan Corde. He was apprenticed to Jedi Master K’Kruhk.

How did Malgus survive? How did he survive? Originally, in the False Emperor Flashpoint, you knock Malgus down the shaft with a grenade (later on, they changed it so you could just kill him). … The most popular theory holds that agents of Darth Acina, then-head of the Sphere of Technology, retrieved Malgus and resuscitated him…

de plus, Was Darth nihilus in the rise of Skywalker?

Darth Nihilus was created before Disney bought Lucasfilm. … That said, Darth Nihilus was believed to appear in “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.” In the film, Kylo Ren descends upon a Sith tomb on Exegol, where statues of ancient Sith are seen. One of those looks like Darth Nihilus.

Why does Darth Revan have a purple lightsaber?

The purple lightsaber shows his allegiance to the Jedi. However, like Mace Windu, Revan would use his emotions and some not-so-Jedi-like tactics during the Mandalorian Wars. The purple lightsaber symbolizes his light side allegiance, but how he wasn’t weighed down by the dogmatic views of the Jedi.

Is Keanu Reeves in Star Wars? Keanu Reeves in multiple ‘Star Wars’ role? According to Zeroh, Reeves will play King Valar, a Sith monarch from ‘The Old Republic’, in one of the many new ‘Star Wars’ projects coming to Disney+. This series would take place 3,000 years before the events of ‘Star Wars’The Phantom Menace.

Why did Malak lose his jaw? At one point during the conflict that became known as the Jedi Civil War, Malak’s entire jaw was removed by a lightsaber strike from Darth Revan, forcing him to wear a large metal prosthesis. … Now assisted by Shan’s battle meditation, Malak considered his Sith Empire to be invincible.

Is Malgus still alive? No he’s not dead actually. He’s still in that carbonite. So Disney could use him in some future media, which I for one would think would be dope. He’s like the prototype to what Vader was.

Which Jedi killed Malgus?

He was about to be executed by 3 Sith Marauders when Satele Shan, a Jedi Consular by that time, landed near him, and unleashed a blast of energy which killed those 3 Sith simultaneously — saving the life of her old companion in the process.

What happened Empress Acina? In this version of the events, Acina taunts the Commander about the superweapon and assumes an Iokath throne, which rejects her input and kills her. Lying wounded, Acina apologizes to the Commander for her mistake, claiming that nothing can stop the awakened Six Gods, before she dies.

Who killed nihilus?

At the end of the First Jedi Purge Nihilus was killed aboard his flagship, the Ravager, by Meetra Surik, his former apprentice, Visas Marr, and the current Mandalore, Canderous Ordo, leaving his mask as a gruesome reminder of his reign as the Lord of Hunger.

Why did nihilus spare visas? When he consumed the the planet Katarr and the Miraluka colony on it he brought Visas Marr to the Ravager and without hearing a word of him she said the following: « I asked him why he had spared me. Although he said nothing, I suddenly KNEW the answer. It was because he wanted my people, at last, to SEE. »

How did Darth Nihilus eat a planet?

Nihilus consumed planets on several occasions, caring only to appease his hunger, allowing the dark side to consume him more and more each time he indulged his ever-intensifying hunger. … Sion combined his power with Nihilus’ to sap Traya’s Force energy, cutting her off from the Force before casting her out into exile.

Did Mace Windu bleed his lightsaber?

Mace Windu’s lightsaber is a result of him bleeding the crystal.

Why is Dooku’s lightsaber curved? Studying Jedi Archive records, Dooku based his new weapon design after the curved hilts that were standard during the heyday of Form II lightsaber combat. The curve allowed the hilt to fit better into his hand, allowing for superior finesse and precise blade control.

Who has the white lightsaber? Ahsoka Tano, the former Jedi Padawan who aided in the rebellion against the Galactic Empire, is acknowledged as the sole possessor of the white lightsaber. Actually, Ahsoka owned not one but two of these rare sabers.

Was Darth Revan a Sith Lord?

Revan was a Sith Lord and the namesake of the Sith Eternal army’s 3rd Legion.

Who is Sith King Valar? Zeroh says Keanu is being cast as King Valar, a Sith King who is was likely alive in The Old Republic times. The Old Republic is the period of Star Wars lore that takes place more than 3000 years before the events of The Phantom Menace.

Is Revan’s Mask mandalorian?

Revan dons the Mandalorian mask and vows to defeat the Mandalorians. During the early battles of the Mandalorian Wars, this mask was worn by a Mandalorian female who was present during the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders’ devastation of the Outer Rim world Cathar.

Who killed Revan? A young man, named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of Obi-Wan’s before he turned to evil, betrayed and murdered Darth Revan…

Who was Revan’s apprentice?

Darths Revan and Malak declared themselves leaders of a new Sith Empire, and Darth Revan took on Darth Malak as his Sith apprentice.

How old was Darth Sion?

Darth Sion
Position Sith-Lord of the (Sith Order)
Age 49
Status Deceased
Physical attributes

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