Does Cloud love Aerith?

by Sally

According to the Novel called Case of Life Stream – White which is officially written by Nojima said Cloud is the lover of Aerith. Lovebirds, Sweet hearts, Power couple, and Badass couple according to FF7 remake. Square Enix officially release an artwork in Hinamatsuri event confirming Cloud and Aerith are lovers.

Or Who is Cloud’s true love? Cloud’s traditional partner in crime, and to many fans Cloud’s one true bae, Tifa is Cloud’s childhood friend from many years ago. The person who gets Cloud recruited to Avalanche, Tifa is a kindhearted soul with a warrior’s spirit.

Can you revive Aerith? So in short there is absolutely no way of reviving Aeris – once she is dead, she stays dead. Players who really want her in their party can have her in there by using a Cheat disk. However, this cheat version of Aeris cannot be spoken to, because it causes the game to crash.

Par ailleurs, Does Tifa like Aerith? Both Tifa and Aerith get fairly equal footing in terms of relationship building, and the pair spend a good deal of time together in Cloud’s party. They even form a cute friendship, one that’ll inevitably have fans shipping for something more. …

Who was the first guy Aerith loved?

Zack was the first person Aerith loved, thus creating an emotional connection between herself and Cloud, because he reminds her of him. Originally, the role of her first love was to have been fulfilled by the game’s antagonist Sephiroth.

Are Tifa and Aerith friends? They’re friends. They’re on the same team, » Baron said in an interview with Gamespot. The friendship between Tifa and Aerith isn’t the only great bond we’ll see, either. Erica Lindbeck, who voices Jessie, also has a strong relationship with Tifa: « It was so sweet.

What is Aerith to Cloud? Though Aerith cherishes having Cloud as her bodyguard, she does not appear too reliant on him for physical protection so much as she simply enjoys his company. Aerith has apparent romantic feelings for Cloud, and remarks he reminds her of her first love, Zack.

Does Jessie like the Cloud? Giving Cloud materia in Sector 8. Jessie has apparent romantic feelings for Cloud, frequently gushing over him, and eventually inviting him on a date.

Does Aerith stay dead?

Reeve, through Cait Sith, later tells the party he informed Elmyra Gainsborough of Aerith’s death and consoled her. After her death, Aerith’s spirit enters the Lifestream and remains sentient, both during the ending of Final Fantasy VII and in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.

Why couldn’t you use Phoenix Down on Aerith? Fans of Final Fantasy VII have asked for years just why Cloud didn’t use a Phoenix Down to revive Aerith. There’s an actual reason in FF lore. … The problem with Aerith’s death scene is that the party members have access to healing magic, as well as items & spells that can bring back the dead.

Is there a way to save Aerith in ff7?

As much as we all wish there were, there is no canonical way to save Aerith, and there is certainly no way to make it such that Tifa dies in her place.

What is Tifa and Barret relationship? Background. Barret and Tifa are not shown in the canon to be romantically involved; in supplemental materials, no relationship is shown between the two of them at all. The events of the original game show that there is, if nothing else, a strong bond of friendship between them.

How does Aerith know Zack?

Aerith in Crisis Core. In 0001, Aerith met Zack Fair after he fell into the church from Mako Reactor 5. After mistaking Aerith for an angel, Zack asked her out to a date, but Aerith brushed him off. She showed him around the Sector 5 slums, and Zack bought Aerith her trademark pink hair ribbon.

Is Cloud a clone of Zack?

Cloud was not a clone at all, it was a ploy by sephiroth to control him.

Is Zack a Sephiroth clone? Zack, also a Sephiroth-clone, was a complete failure: he was not mentally affected by the experiment due to previously being unaffected by the identical SOLDIER procedure. The twelve successful Sephiroth-clones become the group of fanatics that follows Sephiroth around in Final Fantasy VII.

Does Cloud have Zack’s memories? The final fantasy wikia says that upon Zacks death, Cloud and Zacks memories merged and thats how Cloud has Zacks memories.

Was Tifa jealous of Aerith?

Tifa’s not a jealous person in general because she’s more mature than Cloud, who is still a teenager emotionally, and she can handle him being around other girls. He picked Jessie up after her injury in chapter 4 and Tifa wasn’t jealous, she was concerned about her friend.

Does Tifa get jealous? Tifa gets jealous when Cloud, her and Aerith are all imprisoned in the Shinra HQ in the FFVIII original game.

Are Cloud and Tifa together?

Cloud doesn’t really end up with either Tifa or Aerith in the Final Fantasy VII Remake. However, players can get a semi-romantic special scene with Tifa or Aerith in chapter 14 of the Final Fantasy VII Remake and this is dependent on previous choices made.

Is Aerith a ghost? Aeris’s (Aerith’s) ghost refers to an event and a glitch that occur in Final Fantasy VII. Both the event and the glitch allow the player to see Aeris at the Sector 5 slums church. While there is no explanation for either event, they are widely believed to be the ghost of Aeris.

What happens to Aerith in FF7 remake?

The main ramification of Aerith surviving in FF7 Remake is that she’s needed in the Lifestream. She managed to activate the White Materia before she died in FF7, but Sephiroth was able to stop Holy from activating. Holy didn’t appear until Cloud and his friends entered the North Crater and defeated Sephiroth.

Who is older Cloud or Aerith? Notably, Aerith is more than a year older than Cloud.

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