What is Pantheon lore?

by Jack

Pantheon. The Unbreakable Spear. Atreus was born on the hostile slopes of Targon, and named after a star in the constellation of War, known as the Pantheon. From an early age, he knew he was destined for battle. Like many in his tribe, he trained to join the Rakkor’s militant order, the Ra’Horak.

Or Is Pantheon good lol? The Unbreakable Spear, Pantheon is one of the most versatile champions in League of Legends. While traditionally played as a top champion, Pantheon can be played in the mid lane and even support.

Is Pantheon from LOL Greek? Some features of Pantheon draw parallels to Kratos from God of War, albeit that both characters are based on Greek mythology.

Par ailleurs, What is Pantheon role LOL? But in which role is he currently best? Pantheon is one of the few champions that can be viable both as a support and in the mid lane. The champion was originally a mid-game carry bruiser, but players quickly figured out that he can also be a niche pick as a support.

Is Pantheon dead in the lore?

Essentially, Aatrox destroyed the essence of Pantheon, not the body. The body was badly bruised and beaten, but not to a point where vital functions shut down. But it only killed the Aspect, not Atreus’s essence. So he got control of his body back, albeit the body itself was on the verge of dying.

Is Aatrox the strongest in lore? 10 Aatrox: The Darkin Blade

If played properly, Aatrox is one of the strongest Top laners in the game, and if the lore can be believed, he will be the end of all of Runeterra.

Is Atreus an aspect? Stoic and unwavering, Atreus as Pantheon possesses a strong fighting spirit. As the stalwart defender of humanity, Pantheon often feels over-encumbered by his duties and his expectations as an Aspect. Despite his failings, he presses forward stubbornly, and he encourages all of his compatriots to do the same.

Why does Pantheon hate Aatrox?

Is Aurelion Sol an aspect?

Aurelion Sol and Zoe are well-acquainted. She is the only Targonian Aspect that appears to offer him aid and protection from the Aspects’ wrath.

Why is kindred so powerful? Kindred is the omnipotent and omnipresent being that is present for everyone in Runeterra, even for the Celestials and the gods of Targon. The Targonian Celestials and beings like Aatrox and the Shuriman Ascended might have immortal ages and youth, but they will sustain damage and are capable of death.

Is Aurelion Sol stronger than kindred?

If you want to argue that Kindred cant kill aurelion sol, thats just because aurelion sol has nothing (other then kindred) that can actually kill it.

Is Aurelion Sol immortal? Celestial: Aurelion Sol is a celestial being. This means that he can access the celestial realm at will, is immortal, and can take whatever form he wants. However, these abilities are impeded by the crown on his head, which puts him under the servitude of the other Aspects.

Is Diana an aspect?

There are currently six known Aspects that represent the Sun, the Moon, War, the Protector, Twilight, and Justice, and their vessels are: Leona (The Aspect of the Sun) Diana (The Aspect of the Moon) Atreus, the Pantheon (The Aspect of War)

Is Pantheon a Solari?

Pantheon was a member of the Solari.

What is Morgana the aspect of? Morgana represent the Aspect of Justice, which was previously embodied by their mother.

What can Pantheon block? Pantheon’s passive will block champion basic attacks and turret shots, and any champion ability that applies on-hit effects. This includes things like Mystic Shot, and Gangplank’s Parrrley. However, any on-hit effects of the attack still apply.

How strong is Pantheon lore wise?

Pantheon is number 3. Going off of lore and info about Pantheon he is most likely the most powerful actual warrior in League currently. Like Xerath, Pantheon can also warp space and time, generate celestial fire and can resist manipulation of his body.

Why is Aatrox the God Killer? As the God Killer, Aatrox has a particular hatred for celestials and Ascended, especially Pantheon, the Targonian Aspect who helped defeat him during the Great Darkin War. Aatrox is very vengeful against the entire world of Runeterra for imprisoning him and will murder anyone he comes across.

Is Zoe an aspect?

Zoe is a messenger of sorts. She is an aspect, which appears to be a dimensional spirit that embodies a mortal. The Aspect of Twilight and Zoe are now one, after she stepped through its portal.

Who is the oldest character in League of Legends lore? The Oldest Champions According to Lore

  • Fiddlesticks: This champion was created by the first spirits and demons of Runeterra making him almost 15000 years old. …
  • Kindred: Another champion that is a creation of the first spirits and demons. …
  • Soraka: Yes, we weren’t just baiting you in with the Soraka picture.

Is kindred non binary?

Kindred is a non-binary character from League of Legends.

Is Kindred lore? Pre-split Kindred is a myth that has become widespread across Runeterra, though the myth will be present among its people, Kindred have always been Kindred.

What is Kindred lol lore?

Kindred. The Eternal Hunters. Separate, but never parted, Kindred represents the twin essences of death. Lamb’s bow offers a swift release from the mortal realm for those who accept their fate. Wolf hunts down those who run from their end, delivering violent finality within his crushing jaws.

Is Kindred a girl? Kindred is a non-binary character from League of Legends.

What is kindreds lore?

Kindred. The Eternal Hunters. Separate, but never parted, Kindred represents the twin essences of death. Lamb’s bow offers a swift release from the mortal realm for those who accept their fate. Wolf hunts down those who run from their end, delivering violent finality within his crushing jaws.

Did Aurelion Sol create the universe? Aurelion Sol once graced the vast emptiness of the celestial realm with wonders of his own devising, but was tricked by the Aspects of Targon into revealing the secrets of a sun that he himself created.

Are Zoe and Aurelion Sol friends? Aurelion Sol and Zoe are sorta friends—but he knows not to trust her. And in fact she is his best hope of getting free—after he learns what he needs.

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