Is Aphelios Yuumi good?

by Zoé Labbe
Is Aphelios Yuumi good?

Is Aphelios Yuumi good?

  1. Yuumi vs Aphelios Build Yuumi wins against Aphelios 53.52% of the time which is 0.09% higher against Aphelios than the average opponent.
  2. After normalising both champions win rates Yuumi wins against Aphelios 0.6% more often than would be expected.

Par ailleurs, How do you play against Yuumi support? Try to fight her in open areas where your team is not grouped to closely. R aggressively to start the team fight. If Yuumi is in a bad position, try to kill her. She has no mobility without her allies nearby and therefore can be punished very quickly.

Is Yuumi a guy or a girl?

Yuumi is much more playful with an element of unpredictable spontaneity. She is highly distractible, especially by worldly comforts such as food or naps. Plus she’s a literal cat, so rational thought doesn’t come to her easily. She can’t even read.

Puis What race is Yuumi? Yuumi is a magical cat hailing from Bandle City, once a girdle enchantress’s familiar. After the enchantress Norra disappeared, Yuumi took over as the Keeper of Norra’s Book of Thresholds in a bid to seek her out.

Who is Yuumi’s master? According to fans, the long-discussed Gloomy Yordle is none but Norra, the Yordle Enchantress from the Bandle city outlands, who also happens to be Yuumi’s master.

Is Yuumi a late game champ?

Yuumi may be a boring pick for many players, but she’s incredibly effective in the late game. She has quite a unique playstyle and carries games totally different from all other support champions in the game.

How do you beat Yuumi top?

Is Yuumi good with Aphelios?

Yuumi vs Aphelios Build Yuumi wins against Aphelios 53.52% of the time which is 0.09% higher against Aphelios than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Yuumi wins against Aphelios 0.6% more often than would be expected.

Who has good synergy with Caitlyn?

7 Best Supports for Caitlyn

  • Morgana. Caitlyn and Morgana are probably the most powerful combo you can run in the bot lane. …
  • Thresh. Players often say that Thresh is the perfect support for every ADC in League of Legends. …
  • Blitzcrank. …
  • Lulu. …
  • Senna. …
  • Lux. …
  • Leona.

What role is Yuumi?

A magical cat from Bandle City, Yuumi was once the familiar of a yordle enchantress, Norra. When her master mysteriously disappeared, Yuumi became the Keeper of Norra’s sentient Book of Thresholds, traveling through portals in its pages to search for her.

What breed is Yuumi?

Yuumi is indeed a cat. According to Yuumi’s lore page on the League of Legends Nexus, the character is clearly labeled as a cat. A feline companion of one Norra, a very powerful Yordle enchantress.

Is Yuumi in arcane?

The book enchanter of League of Legends has finally been revealed – and to most everyone’s surprise, it’s a cat riding an arcane book instead of a standard tome-and-robes mage. Yuumi is a magical cat, blessed with powers of protection, whose Yordle owner has gone missing after teleporting somewhere dangerous.

Who is Yuumi’s owner?

In a cottage nestled between the verdant trees lived a yordle enchantress named Norra, with her cat, Yuumi. Born with magical powers of protection, Yuumi enjoyed a life of leisure for many years, pouncing on sunbeams and napping beneath the mouse-trees.

Who is master of Yuumi?

A magical cat from Bandle City, Yuumi was once the familiar of a yordle enchantress, Norra. When her master mysteriously disappeared, Yuumi became the Keeper of Norra’s sentient Book of Thresholds, traveling through portals in its pages to search for her.

Is vex Yuumi master?

In terms of lore, Vex may be Yuumi’s missing master. According to the official lore, Yuumi’s master disappeared by using the Book of Thresholds to “teleport to a dangerous place” which falls in line with Vex being in the Shadow Isles.

Who is the master of Yuumi?

A magical cat from Bandle City, Yuumi was once the familiar of a yordle enchantress, Norra. When her master mysteriously disappeared, Yuumi became the Keeper of Norra’s sentient Book of Thresholds, traveling through portals in its pages to search for her.

Is Yuumi purple?

Yuumi’s book turns into a heart when she uses her ultimate ability, and her purple fur is decked out in pink accessories.

How can I be the best Yuumi?

« I’ll Stick With You! » – Top 5 In-Game Yuumi Tips

  1. Avoid staying permanently attached to your Anchor (ADC/allies) …
  2. Never roam or return to lane by yourself. …
  3. Use your unmatched utility to your advantage. …
  4. Use Final Chapter as an engage rather than a reaction. …
  5. Determine who your Anchor is during teamfights carefully.

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