Is Teemo a support?

by Zoé Labbe
Is Teemo a support?

Is Teemo a support?

  1. I first tried Teemo support as a meme pick, but then I found out it is a very good support with high damage and game impact.
  2. It gives your team so much map control too (especially if you take spellthiefs for your starter.

Par ailleurs, Is Teemo a good top Laner? The end is nigh—Teemo is officially the strongest top laner in the game – Dot Esports.

Is teemo still viable?

Teemo has also proven to be a viable pick in the mid lane on patch 11.21, where his win rate is the highest at a whopping 52.05%. The pick rate of Teemo in mid is still very small, so it indicates that Teemo is mainly used as a counter pick for mid.

Puis Is Teemo a Jungler? I hope that this maximizes your play on Teemo Jungle and helps people see that he is a VIABLE jungler! With any off meta pick you can expect sometimes people won’t understand that you’re there to help your team win.

Is Teemo meta? One champion however has never been considered a meta pick except for one game in NA and he has since been nerfed and his name is Teemo, the Swift Scout. Teemo has always been considered a bit of a troll pick.

Does Teemo scale late game? stats says he does!

How do you play teemo mid?

How do you counter teemo jungle?

Teemo is countered by abilites that can close the gap. If you can get into melee range, you can run Teemo down and take a winning trade. has a long cooldown at early levels.

How do you build Warwick jungle?

Who is Teemo counter?

The best champions that counter Teemo are Yorick, Yasuo, Malphite, Shen and Irelia. You can find all the matchup tips we use in this guide on the Mobalytics App. For plus members, you can get specific matchup tips for the champion you’re playing versus the enemy laner at your fingertips while you load into the game.

Is Teemo good for beginners?

I like Teemo as a beginner-friendly champ, because his mushrooms also teach you the power of wards. Play two games as Teemo. Then play a game without wards, and you realize why people buy wards.

Is Teemo AP or AD?

Teemo is a full AP champion in League of Legends. All of his abilities deal magic damage. With his E – Toxic Shot, Teemo also makes his auto-attack deal bonus magic damage on top of the base physical damage. Teemo scales only with AP, so you should always purchase Ability Power items.

Can you jungle as teemo?

Does teemo counter Garen?

Teemo wins against Garen 51.56% of the time which is 3.40% higher against Garen than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Teemo wins against Garen 3.08% more often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Teemo build & runes against Garen.

Why is teemo a top Laner?

Teemo is a lane bully who can completely eliminate the enemy top laner from the game if played correctly. He can also vary his build (on hit, pure AP mage, attack speed, bruiser) depending on what will be most effective against the enemy team.

Who beats Teemo?

The best champions that counter Teemo are Yorick, Yasuo, Malphite, Shen and Irelia. You can find all the matchup tips we use in this guide on the Mobalytics App. For plus members, you can get specific matchup tips for the champion you’re playing versus the enemy laner at your fingertips while you load into the game.

How annoying is Teemo?

Despite his cute appearance, Teemo is universally hated for his annoying, hard-to-counter, abilities. His blind effectively removes many bottom laners from the late game, as they are highly reliant on auto-attacks.

How do you punish Teemo?

Teemo is often punished at higher ranks because players know how to clear his mushrooms, removing Teemo’s mushrooms through pink wards and the Oracle Lens trinket.

Does Nasus counter Teemo?

Nasus Top vs Teemo Top Build & Runes Nasus wins against Teemo 50.10% of the time which is 0.67% higher against Teemo than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Nasus wins against Teemo 0.71% more often than would be expected.

Does cleanse work on Teemo blind?

Cleanse will remove any and all of the following effects: Ignite, Exhaust, Blinds, Charm, Fear (including Flee), Movement Slows, Polymorph, Silences, Snares (including Entangle, Roots and Immobilizes), Stuns and Taunts.

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