What tier is shaco?

by Zoé Labbe
What tier is shaco?

What tier is shaco?

  1. Shaco Build 12.10 ranks as an B-Tier pick for the Jungle role in Season 12.
  2. This champion currently has a Win Rate of (Average), Pick Rate of (High), and a Ban Rate of (Low).

Par ailleurs, How do you Jungle AP Shaco?

Who does Shaco counter?

Shaco vs Karthus Shaco relies heavily on counter jungling and killing the enemy Jungler, but against Karthus, it isn’t that easy. Furthermore, if the Karthus takes Exhaust, Shaco’s 1v1 potential is pretty much non-existent.

Puis What is best Shaco skin? Dark Star Shaco is considered the best Shaco skin since it showcases his abilities in a more profound sense without conforming to the stereotypical jester design that’s so dragged out in skins like Workshop Shaco, Royal Shaco, and Mad Hatter Shaco.

How do you clear as Shaco?

Is shaco weak early?

He’s an early champion like you. his burst earlygame is so strong, but after he uses it he is kinda weak. Try to catch him on wolves after going all-in on them for fast clear, and you will score for sure a kill or a flash burn.

Is shaco early or late?

If played well, Shaco’s early game makes him one of the best early game junglers in League of Legends. In order to maximize your clear speed, you’ll to need focus on perfecting your Q (Deceive) and W (Jack In The Box). Essentially, Shaco is capable of clearing multiple camps at the same time.

Is shaco strong early?

Shaco is a champion who stands very strong early game and is known for his deadly ganks, but severely falls off late game, apart from supports almost any champion with a similar total gold will be able to defeat him without suffering too much damage.

Can shaco be played top?

Shaco is supposed to be an AD assassin, mainly played in the jungle to abuse his early game and to use his stealth, mobility and slipperiness to pick off out of positioned enemies. Shaco is an extremely fun champ to play top, but is obviously not meant to be in that position.

What is the best shaco skin?

Dark Star Shaco is considered the best Shaco skin since it showcases his abilities in a more profound sense without conforming to the stereotypical jester design that’s so dragged out in skins like Workshop Shaco, Royal Shaco, and Mad Hatter Shaco.

How do you play shaco mid?

Who is the weakest champion in League of Legends?

Renekton. Renekton is easily the weakest late game champion in League of Legends. And it’s weird to admit this because he is perhaps the strongest early game pick in the entire game.

How do you gank with AP Shaco?

When should you go AP Shaco?

Dark Harvest is by far the best choice for AP Shaco it has insane synergy with your Two-Shiv Poison so stacking it is pretty easy. If you don’t like Dark Harvest you can also run Electrocute but that is usually more burst oriented which AP Shaco isn’t really about.

How do you jungle as Shaco?

Is Shaco strong early?

Shaco is a champion who stands very strong early game and is known for his deadly ganks, but severely falls off late game, apart from supports almost any champion with a similar total gold will be able to defeat him without suffering too much damage.

What ADC goes well with Shaco?

  • Caitlyn. When you play with Shaco support, expect the bot lane to be filled with his boxes. …
  • Ezreal. Here is a champion that you can play with Shaco well. …
  • Jhin. Usually, Jhin does not need peeling as he can take enemies down from a faraway range. …
  • Miss Fortune. …
  • Tristana.

Why does Shaco exist?

Shaco has come to be known as the Demon Jester, an enigma who revels in death. No one knows his origin, though many theories exist. Many believe that he is not a natural inhabitant of Runeterra, but instead a demon summoned from a dark twisted world. Others believe he is a manifestation of humanity’s darkest urges.

How do you gank with Shaco?

Where do you put shaco boxes?

Who beats Shaco?

5 Champions Who Counter Shaco

  • Shaco is one of the sneakiest Junglers in the game. …
  • Karthus can reduce Shaco’s early game pressure. …
  • Shaco can reduce Shaco’s surprise element when she is burrowed. …
  • Ivern can beat Shaco in 1v1s thanks to his shield. …
  • Kayn is mobile, just like Shaco.

What support counters Shaco?

The strongest counter would be Volibear, a easy to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of (Bad) and Play Rate of (High). League of Legends most often picked champions vs Shaco, this is often heavily influenced by champion popularity.

Does Shaco clone do damage?

The clone takes double damage from turrets and deals 35% damage to turrets and inhibitors. The clone lasts up to 18 seconds.

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