Who is strong against Leona?

by Zoé Labbe
Who is strong against Leona?

Who is strong against Leona?

Leona wins more against

Name Winrate
Thresh Support +4.6%
Blitzcrank Support +4.3%
Senna Support +4.2%
Yuumi Support +3.5%

Par ailleurs, Who works best with Leona? Vayne. Vayne is also great with Leona as she profits greatly from Leona’s stuns and roots. Vayne can quickly follow up on a Leona engage with her ultimate + Q initiate.

Does Sona counter Leona?

Sona Support vs Leona Support Build & Runes Sona wins against Leona 52.76% of the time which is 1.16% higher against Leona than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Sona wins against Leona 1.01% less often than would be expected.

Puis Who counters Pyke? Leona. Leona is one of the best counters to Pyke because she’s tanky, can easily follow his roams, and has a lot of crowd control to create kill opportunities in the bottom lane.

Who counters Senna? What champions counter Senna?

  • Zyra.
  • Thresh.
  • Nami.
  • Tristana.
  • Varus.

Is Leona a good champion?

Leona. Leona is a very good Support who is pretty easy to play. The hardest thing about Leona is that you need to have initiative and know when to all-in. Leona is good because her Q is an auto-attack, so you’re always guaranteed to land it.

How do you play Leona?

Is Leona better ad or AP?

Leona is an AP champion in LoL. All of her active abilities, as well as her passive, deal magic damage only, no matter the level or rank. However, the standard build for Leona doesn’t include pure AP nor pure AD items, so she never increases the damage of her abilities and auto-attacks.

Is Leona a tank LoL?

Leona is a support champion. She excels at engaging with her heavy crowd control abilities and being that front-line tank for your team.

Does Leona scale with AP?

Leona’s known as one of the preeminent crowd control tank supports in the game. Her large amount of lock down allows her to spear head charges into the enemy team and by building for survivability she can stun enemies over and over again for her allies to clean up. However all of her abilities scale with ap.

Can Leona be play as ADC?

Leona is always great, even when playing with a newbie ADC player. This support is both great in engaging and peeling, perfect for teaming up with new players. Leona can babysit every lane in the game during the early phase.

How do you play AP Leona?

How old is Leona League?

Have you ever wondered how old Amumu was? How about how much Alistar weighs?

Champion Age Height
Leona 25-31 years old 6’1 / 185.4cm
Lissandra Somewhere between 8996-9996 years old 6’4 / 193cm
Lucian 25 years old 6’0 / 183cm
Lulu Somewhere between 200-400 years old 2’6 / 76.2cm

• 27 mars 2022

What tier is Leona?

Leona Build 12.10 ranks as an E-Tier pick for the Support role in Season 12. This champion currently has a Win Rate of (Bad), Pick Rate of (High), and a Ban Rate of (Medium). Using Resolve Runes and a tank item build, combine with the Vanguard playstyle, this is a easy to play champion in league of legends.

Who is Leona based on?

Leona is Heidern’s adopted daughter, who is introduced in The King of Fighters ’96; she replaces him because he accepts a more active role behind the scenes. Leona suffers from a curse known as Riot of the Blood (血の暴走, Chi no Bōsō, lit.

Leona Heidern
Family Heidern (adopted father)

What support beats Leona?

Leona wins more against

Name Winrate
Blitzcrank Support +4.6%
Pyke Support +3.9%
Yuumi Support +3.7%
Nautilus Support +3.4%

Who lanes well with Leona?

Being an ADC, Leona is one of the champions that most fear. ADC’s mostly fear assassin champions like Zed or Talon because of their One-shot bursts.

Table of Content show

  • Caitlyn. Best Items for a Leona/Caitlyn Duo. …
  • Miss Fortune. Best Items for a Leona/Miss Fortune Duo. …
  • Draven. Best Items for a Leona/Draven Duo. …
  • Vayne. …
  • Varus.

How do you beat Leona Reddit?


  1. Try to bait her zenith, giving you a timeframe in which she’s completely useless pre 6.
  2. Use a harassing support (Karma, Annie, Sona)
  3. Use a Disengage support (Janna, Alistar, Thresh)

Who does Leona go well with?

Vayne. Vayne is also great with Leona as she profits greatly from Leona’s stuns and roots. Vayne can quickly follow up on a Leona engage with her ultimate + Q initiate.

Is Leona a tank lol?

Leona is a support champion. She excels at engaging with her heavy crowd control abilities and being that front-line tank for your team.

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