Who lanes well with Sona?

by Zoé Labbe
Who lanes well with Sona?

Who lanes well with Sona?


  • Bel’Veth.
  • Nilah.
  • Renata Glasc.
  • Vex.
  • Zeri.

Par ailleurs, What Lane does Sona play? Since this season 12 Sona Build and Runes will help you deal Magic damage, you will be focusing on building support items to help enable your bottom lane carry, either through shield, healing or simiply providing peel.

Is Sona good late game?

She scales like a truck and becomes extremely strong during the late game. It allows her to deal respectable amounts of damage while also healing and shielding her team for a good amount.

Puis Why is Sona so good? Sona is a great beginner-friendly support champion in League of Legends. She is easy to play and doesn’t require a lot of knowledge or mechanical skill. Sona can carry games by constantly healing and shielding her allies while giving them bonus movement speed. And Sona’s R can win a teamfight alone.

How do you master Sona?

Is Sona easy to play?

Sona is a great beginner-friendly support champion in League of Legends. She is easy to play and doesn’t require a lot of knowledge or mechanical skill. Sona can carry games by constantly healing and shielding her allies while giving them bonus movement speed. And Sona’s R can win a teamfight alone.

How do you play Sona fast?

Who is strong against Leona?

Leona wins more against

Name Winrate
Thresh Support +4.6%
Blitzcrank Support +4.3%
Senna Support +4.2%
Yuumi Support +3.5%

Who lanes well with Leona?

Being an ADC, Leona is one of the champions that most fear. ADC’s mostly fear assassin champions like Zed or Talon because of their One-shot bursts.

Table of Content show

  • Caitlyn. Best Items for a Leona/Caitlyn Duo. …
  • Miss Fortune. Best Items for a Leona/Miss Fortune Duo. …
  • Draven. Best Items for a Leona/Draven Duo. …
  • Vayne. …
  • Varus.

How do you beat Leona on top?

Split up so she can only CC 1 or 2 people at best. Leona is prone to poke and disengage. As soon as she tries to engage, try to disengage and create distance between you and her. Additionally, try to harass and poke her down with long-ranged abilities to make it suicidal for her to engage.

Who counters Lux mid?

The strongest counter would be Heimerdinger, a moderately diffcult to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of (Bad) and Play Rate of (High). League of Legends most often picked champions vs Lux, this is often heavily influenced by champion popularity.

Who counters Pyke?

Leona. Leona is one of the best counters to Pyke because she’s tanky, can easily follow his roams, and has a lot of crowd control to create kill opportunities in the bottom lane.

What ADC goes well with Lux?

  • Caitlyn. Caitlyn is a great ADC to pair with Lux because of her W snare. …
  • Morgana. Now, this is really a fun build, not really an attack damage champion, but Morgana can be picked to be a carry champion at the bot lane. …
  • Jhin. With both of the champions having long-range skills, lane dominance is imminent. …
  • Ezreal. …
  • Ashe.

Is Leona a good support?

Leona is a very good Support who is pretty easy to play. The hardest thing about Leona is that you need to have initiative and know when to all-in. Leona is good because her Q is an auto-attack, so you’re always guaranteed to land it.

How do you play Leona?

Does Sona counter Morgana?

Sona wins against Morgana 41.67% of the time which is 8.60% lower against Morgana than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Sona wins against Morgana 10.68% less often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Sona build & runes against Morgana.

Who is the weakest champ in lol?

Renekton. Renekton is easily the weakest late game champion in League of Legends. And it’s weird to admit this because he is perhaps the strongest early game pick in the entire game. But that’s the truth!

Who is the strongest level 1 champ lol?

Here is a list of champions that are incredibly strong in level 1 invades:

  • Blitzcrank. The OG invader. …
  • Nautilus/Pyke/Thresh. While they’re certainly not as strong at level 1, these three champions offer the same utility as Blitzcrank in early invades. …
  • Braum. …
  • Olaf. …
  • Jinx.

Is Sona better than Soraka?

Soraka wins against Sona 49.52% of the time which is 0.08% higher against Sona than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Soraka wins against Sona 1.81% less often than would be expected.

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